Welcome and thank you for purchasing Digital Ecstasy’s first Adult Video product “House of Dreams” for the Macintosh. This is the first “full length” motion picture with 77 minutes of uncut and unedited video playback ever available for the Macintosh. This is a copyrighted release film available in most all stores that carry adult video products. It is also one of the most popular adult movies of the 1991 and 1992 video rental market. This release movie is based on Apple’s QuickTime software extension (included for your use). QuickTime gives Macintosh machines the ability to display motion video to the screen with consistency of quality and time. Digital motion video requires large amounts of storage, thus making CD-ROM the ideal medium to distribute the large files that digital video creates. QuickTime allows us to compress this information as small as possible for optimum storage usage as well as maximum playback rate. For more information, please read the rest of this document available from the Chapters menu above. We hope that you enjoy this as well as our many other adult products. Louis Friend Digital Ecstasy™   Macintosh® and QuickTime™ are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.